by Ron Hequet | May 19, 2015 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
Over the years, I’ve discovered, even in myself that skills and desire are two different things. I have had the talent or ability to do something, but didn’t possess enough drive or desire to get it done – like running a half marathon. Or, when I have had a true...
by Ron Hequet | Mar 19, 2015 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
Discussions of price per hour just drive me crazy. For example, if because of my demonstrable business acumen, I am given an opportunity and asked to develop a plan of execution with the necessary ‘prove ups’ to improve performance of an $8MM company by 4+ points /...
by Ron Hequet | Dec 1, 2014 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Networking, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
I am not an award show watcher and really don’t watch T.V. in general. I can’t remember how many years it’s been since I watched the academy awards show – I think John Wayne won ‘best actor’ for True Grit. But even if my T.V. time is very limited, i.e. football and...
by Ron Hequet | Sep 19, 2014 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Networking, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
I really like minor league baseball and I arrived at a client’s city early enough to attend a game. I got a ticket for the upper deck behind home plate. The ballpark was packed, and the scoreboard stats showed that the pitcher was throwing at around 97 MPH. A batter...
by Ron Hequet | Sep 2, 2014 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Networking, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
With all the companies that I have been blessed to have owned over the years, I never refused to listen to a contrary idea; because it’s contrary ideas that spawn innovation, effectiveness and enhanced profitability. But, when a team member of mine only had the...
by Ron Hequet | May 26, 2014 | Career Development, Employment, Job, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
Are we are running out of eagles? We seem to be over run with parrots who are content to sit safely in their cubical and repeat the hunkered down party line. We are fast becoming overpopulated with bright-colored parrots with soft under-bellies, big beaks, and...