Questions and Answers About Ron’s Presentations…
The Decision Maker and the meeting coordinating staff have a tremendous assignment. You need to hire the right presenter, who is willing to, and has the skill to adapt the message or training to the needs of the client, and not break the bank.
Ron Hequet is that presenter!
Ron’s responsibility is to assist the client in presenting a program that achieves the desire objectives.
Ron’s value to your group is that his expertise comes from real world practice. Ron is one of those who can say “…been there, done that…” and mean it. He has consulted with more than 100 businesses for over 14 years – many of which face the same challenges of your organization. When Ron is hired, he will deliver applicable performance know-how to the audience. He achieves this by becoming part of your team; by obtaining information from the client that assists him in making your program a success. Ron will also be pleased to converse with several individuals of the client’s choice for backdrop substance.
Presentation Frequently Asked Questions
How long is Ron’s presentation?
What size audience is Ron comfortable with?
How do we know Ron is the right speaker for us?
How can Ron effectively consult or speak to more than 20 different industry groups?
Ron’s real world and work experience has shown him that all confront analogous challenges. Everyone must implement change; to engage and preserve the best people, to serve customers better, install constructive team efforts and adopt technology without losing personal involvement, just to name a few.