We have all heard that information is power and that success leaves clues.  So, why not put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and investigate your way to increased sales?

There are many ways for your organization to maximize opportunities to gain more customers and increase sales revenue.  In my businesses, I have always tried to execute every tactic I could, not wanting all of my marketing or sales tactical eggs in one basket.

Therefore, if you are not currently communicating with customers by phone, DO IT NOW!  Yes, you need a reason.  But, there are many reasons for contacting a customer by phone. One of the first and most logical is a follow-up call after a purchase. This tactic also applies to any business that has inbound calls.

What do you say to the customer?  This is where the Sherlock Holmes tactic comes into play.  Ask customers open-ended, investigative type questions.  Script and prepare these questions in advance.  Don’t assume anything. 

I recommend that you get the input of your team members.  Since they are “on the case,” they will think of questions that lead to clues you may overlook.  Next, be prepared to keep a record of the customer’s responses. In a matter of days, you will have obtained clues to improving sales, customer relationships, buyer loyalty, and marketing data. These are all key insights into your market that you can use to boost your company’s marketing and sales strategy.

I have fashioned a few sample questions to fast-start your Sherlock Holmes investigation.

For B2C Companies

  1. How would you rate your experience with our company?
  2. Why did you choose the product / model / make etc. that you did?
  3. Is there something else (product add-on / service) you would have purchase had we offered it?

For B2B Companies

  1. What is happening that’s exciting at your company and what are the major initiatives?
  2. What is your biggest challenge at this time?
  3. Which new products have been introduced in your market?

Once you (Sherlock) have compiled and analyzed the “evidence,” your sales team and organization can strategically develop and implement tactics, processes, and procedures that will “close the case.” 

However, don’t put your magnifying glass away.  This must be a never-ending investigation. Never leave a “cold case” around when it comes to increasing sales.

Ron Hequet Consultant Speaker Coach

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