A Risk Reward Sketch

A Risk Reward Sketch

Invest In Going Out on That Proverbial Limb In the past, being an entrepreneur was often associated with certain negative implications. Most people thought business owners were crazy.  After all, what normal person would invest everything they had to start a business...
The Right Leader

The Right Leader

Next In Line Is Not Always the Best Choice All of us really add or detract to our professional and personal lives based on our own thoughts.  Thoughts form the rheostat where its programming influences what and how we achieve.  Our actions are the result of input from...

Black History Month

“I have one great political idea. . . . That idea is an old one.  It is widely and generally assented to; nevertheless, it is very generally trampled upon and disregarded.  The best expression of it, I have found in the Bible.  It is in...
Mastering Habits

Mastering Habits

Years ago, I used to have a dish of ice cream almost every night and often with chocolate syrup.  I rationalized that since it was of the ‘lite’ variety it was okay.  But, when I combined that with some other eating and drinking habits in the evening, I eventually...

Discernment, Part Two

See Past What Only the Eye and Ear Reveal Discernment is essential.  The lacks of which breeds and invites more dissent than any of us are ready to accept.  If you’ve experienced arrows shot in your back, it’s because you are out front leading, an exemplar.  One of...

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