When my son started in competitive golf at 8 years old, I was vigilant in teaching him the importance of tracking results. Not just the per hole score, but recording the shot results that made up that score. He tracked the location of missed and made fairway drives, hit and missed greens, sand play, and of course the number of putts.

Golfers have a remarkable memory of everything that takes place during a round. However, they typically do not write down or create a record that a coach can use as a teachable moment later. This reminds me of an old adage. The numbers do not lie.

Tracking Results Reveal Needed Change

Whether you are a solopreneur, manage a team, or are responsible for an entire organization, the same applies to your business.  A meaningful method of tracking results can reveal important areas of needed improvement. It can also uncover areas of success that you need to replicate.

Allow me to offer these scoring components that track to winning results:

  • Determine the three most imperative performance factors that you should record, including frequency or other relevant stats.
  • Determine targeted results for each factor.
  • Perform a comparative analysis, (such as target vs. actual), immediately at the conclusion of a meaningful period, i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

Winners Develop a Plan of Improvement

Many people cringe at the thought of routine, but that is exactly what is required. Do you think a champion golfer like Jordan Spieth just goes about his practice or tournament play with no order, hoping to improve?  Professionals record their performance against established objectives and then develop a specific plan of improvement.

So, how does tracking results apply in a business situation related to sales, customer relationships, and communication?

The performance factors can include:

  • Weighing existing customer phone calls (non-sales and relationship building)
  • Providing content value to established prospects (non-sales and relationship building)
  • Searching for and contacting non-established prospects

The targeted results can include:

  • Making 10 contacts daily
  • Establishing five connections weekly
  • Generating 15 hot leads monthly

Make a target vs. actual comparison. Determine which daily, weekly or monthly activity you must alter or which successful activity you must replicate to attain your targeted objectives.

Don’t Ignore the Fundamentals

This process may look rudimentary, but it is necessary. It’s dangerous to ignore the fundamentals required for success. Therefore, if you do not have a meaningful tracking method, you can start with the performance factors outlined above. Then add to, subtract from, and refine the factors that track to a winning performance.

My son, at 17 years old, tracked his score in a way that helped reduce the number of fairways missed to the left.  This contributed to him winning the Dallas City Open that year.

So, answer the following questions. Do you have routine targets? Are you recording activity? Are you comparing results? If you are not doing these thing regularly, or believe that you cannot, don’t make the ego mistake I made early in my business career. Ask for help. Get a mentor.  Champions usually do not become champions unless one coaches them.

Ron Hequet Consultant Speaker Coach

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