As a business owner, do you believe the only way to get something done right is to do it yourself? Do you prefer to do the work yourself rather than teach someone else how to do it? If you do, that’s limited thinking and unproductive behavior. If you avoid delegation in your company, then you stand in the way of growing your business.
Realistically, you can’t do everything yourself. If you want to move your business to a higher level of productivity and profit, you will need to empower others to act on your behalf.
Here are five important delegation rules to implement with your existing personnel. Taking these actions positions your company to better meet expectations and achieve success.
1. Know what you want.
Have clarity in your own mind about the desired outcome. In fact, write out what you want. The clearer the outcome, the easier it will be to select the right person for the job.
2. Select a person based on their demonstrated set of skills.
If the results are important to your business, this probably is not the time to give someone a chance. It is vital that you delegate to someone who you confidently know can deliver the desired outcome.
3. Give specific instructions.
Relay to the person exactly what you want done. This includes how you want it done, when you want it due, and what results you expect. Take the time to teach and clarify the best way to perform the task. This ensures the person will perform the activity on time and as you specified.
4. Set a time for reporting progress.
This is where most management fall short. I recommend that you set a deadline for completion that is a day or a week before the actual deadline. This allows some flexibility to make adjustments if necessary. If the work is important, leave nothing to chance.
5. Inspect what you expect.
Delegation is not abdication. At the end of the day, ultimately you are responsible.
Make a list of the tasks and duties in your business. Then answer the following questions.
- What tasks can and should I delegate to a subordinate?
- Which one of my employees can handle the assignment?
If you are ready to move your business to the next level, don’t wait any longer. Begin now by implementing these five delegation techniques in your business.
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