See Past What Only the Eye and Ear Reveal

Discernment is essential.  The lacks of which breeds and invites more dissent than any of us are ready to accept.  If you’ve experienced arrows shot in your back, it’s because you are out front leading, an exemplar.  One of the tactics of survival when receiving ‘the flaming arrows of the opposition’ is to make certain you stand firm against the opposition, who are typically people who are accustom to making decisions or taking action based on ‘feelings’ and / or unsubstantiated evidence, e.g. only what the eye and ear reveal.  I encourage you that this stance is a source of strength as a result of discernment.

A business owner and any career professional, without discernment, is like a… …submarine in a harbor plowing full speed ahead without radar or periscope, or a 767 trying to land in dense fog without instruments.  Lots of noise, a great deal of power, good intentions, until…disaster, the reaping of sowing a lack of discernment.  It happens every day.  (Not the sub or aircraft, thank goodness).

You want discernment but don’t know where to go to find it?  The same place all professional athletes (amateurs too) and anyone serious about their business or career find it – a coach.  It’s where the 3%’ers go.  Can you imagine a golfer endlessly hitting bucket after bucket of balls or a baseball player swinging for the fence for hours in the batting cage all attempting to improve without the oversight of a discerning coach?

If you are thinking, ‘I’m not an athlete, a business owner or even a team leader’, that is, to start, the wrong mind-set and an indication of a lack of discernment.  Another option is to wait for seniority, attrition, or other changes around you to take place (which are out of your control).  How’s that working for you so far?

Do you want to operate a growing profitable business, or advance your career to the level you desire?  Those in the 3% know that it takes a discerning, objective view and guidance, from a coach who has had success, to map out a plan, to show and tell you how to achieve your strategy.

So, be prepared for ‘the flaming arrows of the opposition’, as you make the discerning decision to invest in yourself, taking control of your business or career to achieve.