by Ron Hequet | Apr 3, 2018 | Business and Career Development, Employment, Job, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Professional Career, Self-Achievement
While on a plane, I read an article written by a futurist. In the article, he claimed that in the near future, 10 to 15 years from now, employment opportunities would be about credentials. He suggested that education and training would confer the authority, status,...
by Ron Hequet | Mar 27, 2018 | Business and Career Development, Employment, Leadership, Performance Improvement, Small Business
You’ve seen them. Employees staring into space, watching the clock, heads resting in their hands. These are signs of the same ailment that afflicts too many employees—disinterest and disengagement. Lack of Engagement The lack of engagement affects many organizations....
by Ron Hequet | Mar 20, 2018 | Business and Career Development, Employment, Leadership, Small Business
I am empathetic to an employer who has an empty chair. It causes a burden on others to perform the work left by the departed employee. Or maybe the work doesn’t get done at all. The natural tendency is to hire someone, anyone, as fast as we can to get that empty...
by Ron Hequet | Mar 13, 2018 | Business Development, Business Planning, Employment, Leadership, Small Business
Company culture includes more than your organization’s mission statement, company handbook or formalized policies. It’s the personality of a company, defining the atmosphere (whether negative or positive) in which your employees work. It’s that nebulous, yet defining...
by Ron Hequet | Mar 6, 2018 | Business and Career Development, Employment, Leadership, Performance Improvement, Self-Achievement, Small Business
When it comes to improving employee performance, performance appraisals are vital to the development of an employee. They are not fooled by a weak appraisal—one that has no constructive feedback, either positive or negative. And although they may believe wrestling on...
by Ron Hequet | Dec 12, 2017 | Business and Career Development, Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction, Employment, Leadership
Although giving gifts is not the reason I celebrate Christmas, it is nonetheless part of the holiday. While I truly enjoy the giving part, I feel less enthused about the shopping and buying part…and not because I am male. You might think that all employees,...