Stagnation… It’s the enemy of innovation, the opponent of progress, the adversary of advancement. When left unchecked, it can be the kiss of death for most organizations.

After implementing an energetic start-up phase, successful businesses enter a period of steady growth and expansion. Production and sales flourish. Staffing gets bumped up. Marketing is at its peak. It’s working, and you’re growing!

Then it happens.

Because of rapid growth, you find that departmentalism and bureaucracy increases. Communication breaks down. Development plateaus.  As competition increases, productivity and profitability decreases. A loss of market share results. Progress begins moving in slow motion.

But even at this stage, all is not lost. It’s still possible to infuse life into your organization.

It is imperative that your entire organization invest in relevant information to stay fresh and continually move forward.

To avoid stagnation and revitalize your organization, consider and implement these seven key points.

1. Map your organizational structure to the way it is and not the way it is supposed to be.

Many organizations have a workflow model intended to function with situations that no longer exist. At this point, be realistic. You can move toward the organizational structure you really want, but make changes gradually.

2. Revise policies and procedures that no longer apply.

Rewrite policies and procedures to fit the way you want your organization to function. Make it a priority to teach, implement, and enforce your updated guidelines.

3. Avoid the trap of catering to minority interests.

Look at the big picture. Take into consideration what’s best for your organization as a whole. Don’t get roped into catering to a small group of manipulators whose self-interests are not in the organization’s best interest.

4. Celebrate individual achievement.

Recognition has a positive effect on employee satisfaction and morale. So give credit where credit is due. It’s no surprise that underappreciated and unrecognized talent doesn’t stick around.

5. Ensure an atmosphere where questions are welcome.

Now is not the time to stifle creative thinkers. Now is the time to encourage innovation and creativity. When you welcome questions, you help identify free thinkers and innovators in your organization.  Be grateful they are still with you. Take advantage of their insight and vision to assist in your organization’s revitalization.

6. Have a written plan.

Stagnation can occur when you lose sight of your organization’s goals. Without a written and executed plan for their attainment, goals are little more than wishes. The best organizations operate on desire, principle, and a written plan.

7. Realize that your profit and loss results are not evidence of current or future performance.

That was then…this is now. Revitalization requires you to examine what worked, what didn’t, and what’s presently working in the market place. Don’t get left behind. Reinvent!

One last word of advice. Stay focused on the progress you are moving towards, instead of the adversity you are leaving behind. To avoid stagnation, keep moving forward!

Ron Hequet Consultant Speaker Coach

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